


Shentel had to create a deeper connection with the customer. So, we started with a new Brand Promise to be used in all of Shentel’s communications: “Always Connected to You.”

Shentel: PowerHouse Internet

To introduce new speeds and more affordable pricing, the PowerHouse Internet campaign provides a symbol of re-evaluation for consumers to make sure their home is powered with the speed necessary to experience everything the Internet has to offer.

Shentel: Always Connected to You

For consumers, the claim of fastest Internet, sharpest TV and clearest voice was just another claim. We immediately set out to build trust for the brand.

Shentel: Gift Card Promotion

GKV leveraged Shentel’s local roots by using customer selfies showing the free $100 gift card they received when they signed up.

Garry Raim

Partner, Executive Vice President

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