Meet your new healthy living expert: you.
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
-Mahatma Gandhi
Every day more and more people are realizing the value of living a healthy life. And as the population ages, people are frantically searching for the latest remedies and elixirs to help them stay healthier, longer. Today health has become more than a lifestyle choice, it’s also a thriving consumer market. The global category of vitamins, minerals, and nutritional and herbal supplements (VMHS) is now valued at over $80 billion with nearly one third of that in the U.S. And sales are expected to grow between 5-6% a year through 2017.
Healthy living is everywhere.
Look around. A cursory perusal of supermarket newsstands, TV listings or internet blogs reveals that many Americans are obsessed with preventative healthcare. The search to look and feel younger, more vibrant and more attractive is everywhere. And this torrent of information has led to greater consumer purchasing.
The rise of the DIY consumer
It used to be that primary care doctors were the conduits of all healthcare answers. But nowadays, consumers are relying on alternative methods to self-diagnose. In fact, a whopping 96% of internet-using adults have used online health information to help them make decisions pertaining to diagnosis and treatment.
Enter the VMHS manufacturer
This self-diagnosis trend has certainly benefited VMHS manufacturers. More and more supplement purchases are the result of consumers taking their health into their own hands, rather than the direct advice of a doctor. As a result, VMHS manufacturers are improving and increasing their consumer education and marketing efforts. Additionally, as consumers become more educated, they are leveraging online tools provided by retailers and manufacturers to create their own personalized regimen.
Now it’s up to you… and us
The VMHS market is wide open, with the top five manufacturers holding less than 25% market share. As consumer interest in healthy living continues to grow, the time to reach this bolder, self-motivated purchaser is now. And few agencies have the depth of experience in marketing nutrients, supplements and weight-loss products as GKV.We’ve worked with OTC Challenger Brands. We understand the intricacies of FDA compliance and approval processes. We were even chosen to create a national advocacy campaign to promote the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. Our experience has given us the expertise to grow sales for both start-ups and established brands alike.
Want to learn more? We’d love to meet you.